Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Home Alone Film Opening


I would say that the opening of Home Alone is to set the scene of the film/movie and to briefly show the personalities of the main character and the main characters who are involved in the film. I would say the the opening engages by the audience feel at home and comforted by the normal, relatable family seen at the beginning of the film. The feel-good, comedic film is meant to make the audience feel nostalgic at this time of the year (as this film is always shown in the festive period). 

Eight-year-old Kevin is accidentally left behind when his family leaves for France. At first, he is happy to be in charge, but when thieves try to break into his home, he tries to put up a fight. 

I choose Home Alone because the movie its left sets the time period very accurately, in terms of what season it is in the year and the year/century it was made. It is also a classic movie, that has gained many award for its outstanding received many awards.


The opening scene sets the story of what is going to happen in the rest of the film. The first scene is set with an establishing shoot of the families home where we imagine the story will be set at. The lights, around the trees/ house and the crisp, white snow on the ground creates a festive atmosphere.

There are a variety of shots used to introduce the character and the overall setting. Some of which include: a tracking shot to show them walking around the rom and in the house, this suggests this house is always busy (shows the hustle and bustle as the camera goes through the scenes). Close up are used to establish the character (particularly the main characters that are shown most in the rest of the film). Mid shots are used while the particular character is talking, so the audience is able to see the full facial expressions of the the character whilst speaking.

Mise en-scène

At the beginning of the film the main location is set in Chicago (America), where the audience see’s the red brick house. The red brick house is located at 671 Lincoln Ave., in Winnetka, Illinois.

In terms of costumes, there is an overall theme of natural clothing to show family and home life. The mother was wearing a long coat which makes her look older and more of a northerly figure/tone.

Finally in terms of lighting in. The opening scene, it is high key lighting and natural to show it as everyday lighting. The natural warm lighting could also suggest that the family is of a high class status and wealthy. However outside is low key (cool toned) as the opening scene is shot at night, with the artificial Christmas lights around the house to show us the season/the time of year.     

In terms of the actors:

·      They   were all well spoken (could suggest their class).

·      The only three actors we know who they are straight away is the mother, the factor and their son who they call Kevin. This straight away makes the audience think that they are the three main character in this film. Kevin also being the only child of many being introduced gives us the impression I that he is the protagonist.


    The makeup was all natural and not noticeable. Only on the slightly older women in the house had more makeup on.


At the very beginning of the film the audience non-diegetic opening music to the film. This is the first song/instrumental to the rest of the beautiful soundtrack that takes place in this film. In his score for Home Alone, John Williams utilises numerous percussion instruments for sounds of happiness and festivities (instruments include: cello, harp, flute, french horn and many more to create the iconic intro and outdo music  piece to Home Alone). Overall the music/soundtrack has a very festive atmosphere/feeling and possibly at slight sense of mystery as well, which suggests that something will go wrong later on in the film. However the music was still lively and set the mood for the film. 


The diegetic sound of the main character (Kevin) on the first floor of the house, jumping up and down – the audience can hear the thuds of the house as it echoes when Kevin jumps/stops around in frustration. Other diegetic sound in the opening scene are: doors slamming, shouting/yelling and mumbling and bickering between family members. 


White writing and blue symbol on black background. Contrasting colours which Then changes into white writing on the background of action. The use of the lower case”e” creates an interesting visual when looking at it form first sight.

1 comment:

  1. The aim of this analytical task is to consider the way in which the title sequence functions and thereby learn something of the genre of title sequences. 'Home Alone'is not a typical opening sequence because two thirds of it is just the credits written in blue font against a black backdrop. It is only when the title itself is revealed that there is live action. After that, the narrative is anchored by the figure of the delivery man, around whom the extended family swirls, but whom they ignore in their joyful activity. You have got a bit bogged down in the detail rather than seeing the bigger picture. If you had to sum it all up, how would you say the opening engaged audiences?



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