Tuesday, July 6, 2021




Preesha Patel, Candidate Number: 1807

Film Production: Tom B 1807

Production Name: TenPin Productions 

Film Opening Name: Criminal Faces

Genre: Romance / Crime / Drama

     Directing & Camerawork

     Myself and Tom Bowling were both the directors for our fictional film opening “Criminal Faces.” We worked collaboratively as directors; from developing our narrative to directing the large cast of our production. We also used a variety of camera angles throughout the film opening using both the iPhone 11, iPad Pro and a Gimble multiple (mainly) wide angle shots in the film opening. We used a variety of equipment (cameras) during the production as many of the shots we aimed to achieve were shot at a variety of angles to creating representations of the characters. 

Script Writer

I was responsible for writing the scripts for the voice overs and the script for the actors talking (dialogue) on screen. After peer focused feedback it was bought to our attention we should add voice overs to help establish the narrative and Gabe's. In the final cut, I wrote the script for Gabe's character that that shows the protagonists evil/sinister side.  


     In terms of lighting, I took responsibility for the indoor lighting. For example, when the main characters where walking to their lockers I took responsibility for adjusting the lights in the room to create a brighter light in the background and a harsher light in the foreground of the scene. For the outdoor shoots we used the natural lighting and if need be we would adjust the lighting in special affects/post production (if it was needed).  

Graphics & Extra Information 

 I was responsible for creating the BBFC certificate, production company logos and more. We both created our TenPins Production Production Company logo, whilst Tom Bowling edited the animated video you see at the start of the fictional film opening. We both tried our best to split the responsibilities between the both of us in our small crew.

Editing / Music

Tom Bowling was responsible for the editing of the film production. From his GCSE Media Studies he was more familiar with using the editing platform Premiere Pro to edit our film opening, and elevate the art-house style film. He confirmed editing techniques he aimed to use with me, throughout the post-production process. Tom Bowling was also took responsibility for the relaxed, elegant music we used in our film opening. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021


We refined the overall narrative of our film opening. By conducting further research into the “good angel” and the “devil.” I learned about “Dexter and Sinister” and how this famous theory can be applied to the narrative of my film opening. Whereby, Gabe is the “Sinister” of our narrative - thus meaning, he is the one who could lead Arran down to a dangerous, dark and cynical pathway. And the “Dexter” being the known as the good. Where we see Holly (the love interest being introduced to our film opening). This “Dexter” was the main refinement to our narrative - as it is clear she is the character that could have a positive influence on Arran and his life.



See Detailed Research Here: 


Our first filming day was at school with a very large cast. From reflection we believed we worked successfully collaborating with the actors and our crew in order to create an impactful establishing scene. I believe our communication with the actors explaining in detail our vision and narrative, to help them get into ‘character’ helped the filming process. It allowed the actors to connect with the characters, and show this through their facial expressions. Especially the close up shot Arron as he looked intensely. On reflection this we believe that this was a very successful establishing shot.


On reflection we felt that once we had watched and reviewed the trailer it was difficult to clearly hear the dialogue of the character. As well as to distinguish the character’s voices on screen. Adding in voice overs. The diegetic (sound) dialogue we edited in for when the characters are interacting with each other on screen. In order to amplify the sound and make it clearer to the audience.

We used the voice messages app to record the dialogue of each character (diegetic sound). We allowed the actors to record there lines individually and recorded a few times until we were both happy with the dialogue. Once all the lines of each character were recorded, we edited this in to our film opening and took away the original dialogue on screen. This was a successful edit, as it allowed our audience to have a clearer understanding of the dialogue spoken by the characters.



We made changes to our story board. Our initial development we wanted to show the protagonist shop-lifting alcohol from a shop. However, due to Covid-19 Restrictions we decided to film somewhere that was safe when filming on an off-site location, where masks where necessary when filming the scene. 

To make the scene as similar as it would to the protagonist robbing a shop, we made a change by having the protagonist sliding under a garage door putting the bottle of alcohol in his bag. Using the garage made it accessible and easier to film. As it proved to be a successful scene.


WELCOME MODERATOR! CRIMINAL FACES | AS FICTIONAL FILM OPENING Preesha Patel, Candidate Number: 1807 Film Production: Tom B 1807 Production...